It was decided during the 9th Five Year Plan to set up 100 Model Residential School (EMRSs) all over the country under Article – 275(1) of the constitution, for imparting quality education through modern technology from Class VI to +2 Sc. The construction, maintenance and management of these Schools will be through a registered Society set up for the purpose.
The Model Residential School is running by the Odisha Model Tribal Education Society (OMTES), constituted and registered under Societies Registration Act & under the administrative control of the ST & SC Dev. Deptt., Govt. of Odisha. The Board of Directors of the Society will have representatives & community leaders from among the tribal. For management of such schools Management Committee is constituted which exercises such powers as provided in the bylaws of the Society.
These Schools have sufficient number of Post Graduates and Graduates and other trained teachers to maintain the optimum teacher pupil ratio of 1.30. The time table of the School has been worked out in order to allocate sufficient time for various activities, such as teaching, so as to ensure all round development of the children. There is co-education facility in the Residential School and the number of seats for boys and girls are equal. In these schools, education is imparted free of cost. These schools are fully residential and have residential quarters for the teaching staff and also for the non-teaching staff.