SPORTS ACTIVITIES: The Facility of Games & Sports:
Cultural Activities
Annual Function & Cultural Programmes are being held every year.
The Facility of Cultural & Drama
One Concrete Pendal is available for Drama & Function.
One Concrete Flag Post Pendal is available for Flag Hoisting
Plantation For Rs.1,35,000/- has been sanctioned by the P.A, I.T.D.A, Keonjhar for plantation of three thousand five hundred plants in school premises. Medicinal plants and costly plants like Mango and Coconut plants have been planted.
The Vanamohastav :- 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes were distributed to the students in the debate and dance competition
N.S.S. Unit
One NSS Unit for +2 Science students has been opened in our school with a capacity of 50 Students. Sri Bijay Kumar Nayak PGT in Botany has been appointed as the programme officer for N.S.S. Unit.
All the students of the school have been issued Health Card and in every month health check-up is being made twice in a month by the mobile unit of Padmapur Community Health Centre.
Carrier Counseling Programme organized by the institute of Mathematics, Bhubaneswar has imparted training to the following teachers of our school. The duration of the training was 30 days. (20.05.2009 to 19.06.2009)
Another training programme on carrier counseling was also organized by the Institute of Mathematics, Bhubaneswar for 6 days. (24.04.2009 to 29.04.2009) and Sri Rajesh Kumar Pradhan, PGT in Physics, participated in the said pragramme
First four students (According to the Merit List) of +2 Science were selected to participate in the said training programme with the teachers.
Training Programme (2011)
The following T.G. teachers have attend the English Language training programme at ELTI, Bhubaneswar from 08.06.2011 to 12.06.2011.
The following P.G.Teachers have attend the training programme at STSCRTI, Bhubaneswar in their concerned subjects.
Training Programme (2012)
The following teachers have attended the English Language training programme at ELTI, Bhubaneswar during 2012.
Training Programme (2013)
The following teachers have attended the Orientation Training programme at Bhubaneswar during 2013.
Training Programme (2013)
The following teachers have attended the House Master Training Programme at Bhubaneswar during 2013.
Training Programme (2013)
The following teachers have attended the Smart Class Training Programme at Chandragiri, Gajapati District during 2013.